About Us

The Sayre Public Library is a dynamic organization serving over 6,000 residents within the service areas of Sayre, Pennsylvania, and the greater Bradford County area community. Our collection is continuously maintained and refined according to patron needs and desires. Our holdings currently include over 20,000 print materials, subscriptions to roughly 40 periodicals, and over 1,000 audiovisual materials. We also maintain a diverse collection of online and digital resources. These include e-Book, audiobook, film, TV, and music offerings, as well as online databases containing tools for personal or professional research, genealogy, academic and vocational development, and more.

The library also provides public access desktop and laptop computers, technology assistance, and Wi-Fi access. We also offer a diverse selection of programming options, workshops, speakers, educational events, and outreach services for all members of our community. These include weekly story time sessions for preschool-age children, reading and literacy initiatives for school-age children, and numerous offerings for teens, young adults, adults, and seniors.

The Sayre Public Library prides itself on fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for all members of our community.

At a Glance:

Approximately 10,000 registered borrowers

Annual circulation of approximately 15,000 items.

Collection & circulation of more than 36,000 print and audiovisual materials.

Reached more than 3,672 children and adults through programming and outreach initiatives in 2019.


In 1936, in the midst of the Great Depression, the Sayre Public Library was established with 1,600 donated books and $300 provided by the Sayre Monday Club. The long-time, constant dream of the Monday Club was for a public library. Their first meetings in Coleman Memorial Parish House included an agreement to help support the Mary Packer Cummings Library already underway there. Club memberships were sold, and the resulting finances raised allowed for a public library to be opened in February 1937. The original space for this establishment was a storefront location on Lockhart St. in downtown Sayre. In 1938, a tax was established to support the young library, which was soon moved into the local American Legion building on South Elmer Avenue in downtown Sayre. This site would serve as the home for the Sayre Public Library for roughly 50 years. The support and advocacy of the Monday Club continued until the late 1980’s, when the Glaser Library Facility was built and opened on 122. South Elmer Avenue in the center of Sayre. Built with the generous and selfless financial assistance of Sidney Glaser, the facility was completed in 1988. It is the present and proud home of the library today.

The Sayre Public Library remains forever grateful to these community champions of the library.

Land Acknowledgement
Sayre Public Library respectfully acknowledges that we exist upon the ancestral and traditional land of the Onondowa’ga (Seneca), Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Leni Lenape (Delaware), Haudenosaunee Confederacy (Iroquois), Susquehannock (Conestoga), and all of the ancestors whose names we no longer remember. We also recognize that the names given to the Native people who inhabited and continue to inhabit this region are not the names these people called and continue to call themselves. It is with humble gratitude that we give thanks to the Indigenous people who came before us and those with us today, for their reverence of our Mother Earth, which gives us life. 

Mission Statement

The mission of the Sayre Public Library is to improve and enrich the lives of our users through information, education, and recreation. The Library values the citizens of Sayre and responds to their needs by providing welcoming library spaces, well-organized and up-to-date collections, friendly professional service, and well-trained staff.


Heather Manchester, Director:  hmanchester@sayrepl.org   

Stacey Mooney, Assistant Director:  smooney@sayrepl.org

Gwen Sisto, Youth Services Librarian:  gsisto@sayrepl.org

Maureen Forrest, Library Clerk

Janet Hughes, Library Clerk  

Elizabeth Mulkerin, Library Clerk

Linda Politi, Library Clerk

Rose Shikanga, Student Clerk

Mary Yonkin, Library Clerk

Board of Trustees

Henry Farley, President

Kara Short, Vice President

Cindy Yanuzzi, Treasurer

Pam Hayton, Secretary

Maureen Beirne

Alice Bennett

Megan Gilson

Cherie Hunt

Robin Munn

Julia Newman

Barbara VanDuzer


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Vivamus id imperdiet ipsum, quis tempus risus. Quisque non justo non mi venenatis rutrum nec sit amet massa. Phasellus pharetra eros neque, ac blandit purus lacinia non. Suspendisse potenti. Cras pellentesque turpis imperdiet felis ornare, quis vulputate justo tristique. Aliquam in dignissim nisl. Cras tincidunt vehicula odio, et sollicitudin eros fringilla venenatis. Proin vulputate enim pharetra, iaculis est non, congue urna. Quisque fringilla vestibulum ultrices. Sed sapien leo, lobortis et mi eu, consequat malesuada velit. Fusce justo magna, faucibus et eros ac, molestie eleifend augue. Sed sit amet orci vel augue consectetur consequat vitae id est. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Hours and Location

Open Hours:

Monday-Wednesday-Friday    10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tuesday-Thursday                     10:00 am to 7:30 pm
           Saturday                                    Winter: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Summer: 8:30 am -1:30 pm

Returns may be made after hours via the drop box on the Elmer Avenue side of the building.

Sayre Public Library is located at 122 South Elmer Avenue, Sayre PA, at the corner of Elmer Avenue and Packer Avenue. We are located across from the Dandy Mini Mart and Howard Elmer Park, and diagonal to the Sayre Theater.

We do not have a parking lot. There is one handicapped spot and one free 30 minute spot for library patrons on the Elmer Avenue side of the building. Paid parking is available on both Elmer Avenue and Packer Avenue. Elmer Avenue parking is 25 cents per 30 minutes, and Packer Avenue parking is 25 cents per 20 minutes.

2025 Closed Days

Wednesday, January 1

Monday, February 17

Friday, April 18

Saturday, May 24

Monday, May 26

Wednesday, July 4

Saturday, August 30

Monday, September 1

Tuesday, November 11

Thursday, November 27

Thursday, November 28

Wednesday, December 24

Thursday, December 25

Wednesday, December 31

Sayre Public Library follows Sayre Area School District for full day weather closures. Partial day and weekend weather closures will be made at the discretion of the library director. Please call to ensure that the library is open in the case of inclement weather.